Sunday, August 11, 2013

When one door closes, it leads you to another open door.. (part 3 - Final)


Oh, you must be wondering why I named this post (When one door closes, it leads you to another open door). For the record, Ok, this is the lame part (sad for me)hahahaha... you know the story in any drama series where FAT guy who never had girlfriend, they would always remained friend and every time he tries hitting on hot girls, he would be rejected or friend-zoned! Whoa I think we were in a same boat back then.. Been trying hard on relationship but none of em lasted! bet you and I could figured out where did the things went wrong or if you don't, do the math!
After 5 years (2007 to 2012). from 98kg in 2008 to 78kg in 2012 July.....30kg dropped in 4 years! 4 freaking long years I only managed to lose 30kg..good achievement actually but thats not it..the problem was, I haven't reach  my ideal BMI yet! I was transferred out from Sandakan to Putatan, the whole new life begun! Here comes the new life. Alright, there was this one day when I was checking my patients and what we usually did for big sized patient was HEALTH SCREENING (I already did mine) and it came to a final process where my job was to counsel the patient. This patient outspokenly with sarcasm act teased me. He said "I appreciated whatever things you are telling me but HOW COULD I BELIEVE YOU TO LOSE WEIGHT WHEN YOU, YOURSELF ARE BIGGER THAN ME??" and look at the other medical staffs out there, they are all FAT"... I was taken aback with what he said to me. 

I smiled (wrapping things up) I told him that I wasn't lucky enough to lose that FAST and I was MUCH corpulent than I was back then. So I told him that let us not blame each other but struggling to achieve our goals. He smiled back at me seems convinced. I soon realized that most of the Medical staffs nowadays from doctors, nurses and all who work at medical line were 60% not at their ideal BMI!! I was hurt with that word but looking on the bright side, he was true bout the whole thing. I promised my self not to be one of em again. I was grateful even I was hurt with words! Naaah...just forget it..


Okay, I went to see my nutritionist to discuss about everything I must do to lose weight... (Stories coming up soon - The process plus my own TIPS).. After 4 months I lost weight!! that was in 2012, August until now...GUESS WHAT? 15kg burned... in 4 months beyond my expectations..from 77kg to 62kg.. BMI 22 (NORMAL RANGE) haahaahaha...OMG.. How happy I am right now to actually with success achieved my dreams of losing weight! most of my friends from college who were previously in well-bulit body started to put on weight after started working.. They asked me how I lost weight that FAST (4 months) after all these years been in CORPULENT state! I just smiled and answered with pride " it starts from you"... Im lucky enough that I maintained an ideal BMI until now.. August 2013.. 1 year already
After all the hard works, efforts on achieving my dreams, I finally realized that relationship wasn't that hard after all, I believe that first impression is important too, people always nagging on DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER, yeah, thats what we hoped for unfortunately, looks is important too and you can't tell people not to judge,cos if you do, they will still judge on the outside..thats HUMAN NATURE.. I guess this suits the title of my 3 blogs.. I wasn't really in good shape and less attraction back then, but once i managed to drop few kg, it actually opens up new opportunities for me (from clothing, shirt sizes, relationship, confident..etc..). and not to forget one thing.. BEING HEALTHY is what we want....less probability of heart diseases, high cholesterol and such... thats all for now..stay tuned for another coming up stories... (tatap maintain begia!! aramaitii...).. Here are some of the photos you MUST SEE! Changes in my life...
2013 - 60kg

61kg 2013

When one door closes, it leads you to another open door (Part 2)

(Continuation from part 1)...

I've tell you bout my past history on how corpulent I was few years back!

June, 2011
October 2010

2008 - 98kg

These 3 pictures depict how chubby I was back then.. Ok, the biggest ever was in 2008 (98kg). My BMI was 34.7 (Obese type 2)... Waist line size was 38inches and my shirt size was XL! Now imagine how short I looked like... and how hard it was to look for cool outfits cos awesome outfits do not come in big sizes! tell u.. that was true...Nahh, the best thing when you are chubby was that EVERYONE likes you for you looked cute and adorable. That statement is true after all for some reason to support, I've been through all that! SERIOUSLY.


I entered medical college in 2008 straight after my National Service camp! I involved my self in sports like gym and volley ball. I gradually dropped weight to 86kg and dropped again to 78kg in 1st year! I changed my old shirt to lesser size - size L! I was happy. I'm beginning to feel energetic after i dropped few kg. People says "You must finish what you've started".. I found that pretty true! Unfortunately I was too weak, for Malaysian FOODS are so damn tempting one couldn't even resists! Despite the stress of studies, I overcame em with eating. I got eating disorder where I eat whatever foods!! I never really took it serious with how I looked. I maintained my body weight to 75-77kg and It won't DROP any lower! Even I'm still active with sport! too bad i guess..


 I have this friend (Joshua D) who maintained a good ideal body albeit he eats more!! I asked him what did he does to maintain. I knew he had and always has a good body metabolisme and that was one of the secret! Ah damn, I always envied him for being always in good shape! he is such an inspiration. You know.. He would spent 1 hour in a gym just running on that treadmill.. Dude! that one fu*kin hour! then he would got out to play volley ball until I dont know.. 6.30pm to 7pm something.... He suggested me some sort of fiber tea to be taken as supplement a.k.a slimming that one could buy at any outside Pharmacies! I tried it and ended up nearly dehydrated most of the I evacuated bowel like every half and hour for 6-8 times daily! Abs cramp and the verdict wasn't worth it. I'm still FAT as pig! This continued after I graduated and started working. I took those tea (tried almost every slimming teas available) Not giving me any changes! I was upset and had spent penny on useless products! I cursed my self for being FAT and FAILED to drop any more kg.. I started to put on weight even more thereafter, cos thinkin i've my own salary now and I can eat/buy whatever FOODS i want...working in Sandakan especially in ETD drove me up the wall often (don't wanna talk much) but yeah! Sandakan is well known as HEAVEN of variety affordable seafoods plus all were finger lickin good! That seemed to be one of the aetiology why I can't drop weight any further! oh Lord....

(To be continue...)

When one door closes, it leads you to another open door. (Part 1)


Alright, It would be shameful enough when you learned science and medical and of course you are in medical line that your BMI isn't in ideal state. Am I right? Yeah, that statement is too common and those laymen out there were such a bastard finger pointing such sarcastic question " hey you medical people, are you fit enough to be called a medical staff? look at you! You are not even in an ideal BMI, how could you probably give advise and motivate patients through a healthy life style?" those annoying questions killed me every time i went back for holidays at my hometown.
early 2011
Back in 2010
These two pictures were the old me like seriously! Back in 2010 and 2011.. Well that was 2-3 years ago, As you can see those chubby face and mustache, long hair not in fair complexion (dark skin)! LOL.. you would probably laugh out loud right now.. and oh, I've got some even worst PICTURES! I'll upload em soon!
For the record, I am very proud of my self as being inherited a Kadazan Dusun blood! One of the most popular and biggest race in Borneo (Sabah) and well known as 'pindik tagap' short and hefty for the gentlemen and 'pindik olumis' for the ladies per say and I'm proud to be one! As far as I'm concern I'm not that lucky enough cos I'm much taller than the most typical Sabahan, I'm 168cm (average Asian height).

I was an athlete (runner) and active with marching back then 2003-2006! but I was thinkin to stop doing sports when I was 17 (2007) as my personal delusion told me that I needed to focus on my study(final exam - SPM) I stopped everything related to sports ever since! I've been an occasional drinker back then but it got worst when I stopped doing sports! I started drinkin (often) like every weekends with my cousins and relatives back in my village. From 55kg (2006) my weight rockettingly increased to 87kg in just 1 year! I stopped sports but began with unhealthy lifestyle thereafter!

One thing I love being a Kadazan Dusun is the local brews (hand made) it's being a part of our tradition which basically means ALCOHOL is one of the compulsory drink (back then), in every occasions or party, THERE MUST be alcohol... LOL.. I guess you can figure out what the whole story is by now. Aren't you?? Hahaha.

Let me tell you a lil bit of my 'healthy lifestyle' years ago. When I was in high school (2007), I was already known as the AMAZING stomach, some related me to cow (4 stomach)! Have you ever ate 4 full plates in a row (Rice + vege + 2 types of meats) and that were only for breakfast! I would have another 2 plates (same content) for lunch and perhaps 2 full plates for dinner. Thats not over yet! some cookies for tea-break in the afternoon and supper! 
With these COMBO combined, a great combo indeed. Voila macarena! I tremendously developed to BIG SIZED bastard! Lets get back to the story. That was my healthy life style back then. Every day meals is 5 stars (Too much)! My body metabolisme was too lame to process up everything! It all happened when I stopped sports! just like that! you do the math fellas.

From 55kg to 87kg! approximately 32kg in just one year! thats too much for a teenager!
BMI was 30! Obese type 1 - Possible of heart disease and high cholesterol level at that time.

(To be continue)