Sunday, August 11, 2013

When one door closes, it leads you to another open door. (Part 1)


Alright, It would be shameful enough when you learned science and medical and of course you are in medical line that your BMI isn't in ideal state. Am I right? Yeah, that statement is too common and those laymen out there were such a bastard finger pointing such sarcastic question " hey you medical people, are you fit enough to be called a medical staff? look at you! You are not even in an ideal BMI, how could you probably give advise and motivate patients through a healthy life style?" those annoying questions killed me every time i went back for holidays at my hometown.
early 2011
Back in 2010
These two pictures were the old me like seriously! Back in 2010 and 2011.. Well that was 2-3 years ago, As you can see those chubby face and mustache, long hair not in fair complexion (dark skin)! LOL.. you would probably laugh out loud right now.. and oh, I've got some even worst PICTURES! I'll upload em soon!
For the record, I am very proud of my self as being inherited a Kadazan Dusun blood! One of the most popular and biggest race in Borneo (Sabah) and well known as 'pindik tagap' short and hefty for the gentlemen and 'pindik olumis' for the ladies per say and I'm proud to be one! As far as I'm concern I'm not that lucky enough cos I'm much taller than the most typical Sabahan, I'm 168cm (average Asian height).

I was an athlete (runner) and active with marching back then 2003-2006! but I was thinkin to stop doing sports when I was 17 (2007) as my personal delusion told me that I needed to focus on my study(final exam - SPM) I stopped everything related to sports ever since! I've been an occasional drinker back then but it got worst when I stopped doing sports! I started drinkin (often) like every weekends with my cousins and relatives back in my village. From 55kg (2006) my weight rockettingly increased to 87kg in just 1 year! I stopped sports but began with unhealthy lifestyle thereafter!

One thing I love being a Kadazan Dusun is the local brews (hand made) it's being a part of our tradition which basically means ALCOHOL is one of the compulsory drink (back then), in every occasions or party, THERE MUST be alcohol... LOL.. I guess you can figure out what the whole story is by now. Aren't you?? Hahaha.

Let me tell you a lil bit of my 'healthy lifestyle' years ago. When I was in high school (2007), I was already known as the AMAZING stomach, some related me to cow (4 stomach)! Have you ever ate 4 full plates in a row (Rice + vege + 2 types of meats) and that were only for breakfast! I would have another 2 plates (same content) for lunch and perhaps 2 full plates for dinner. Thats not over yet! some cookies for tea-break in the afternoon and supper! 
With these COMBO combined, a great combo indeed. Voila macarena! I tremendously developed to BIG SIZED bastard! Lets get back to the story. That was my healthy life style back then. Every day meals is 5 stars (Too much)! My body metabolisme was too lame to process up everything! It all happened when I stopped sports! just like that! you do the math fellas.

From 55kg to 87kg! approximately 32kg in just one year! thats too much for a teenager!
BMI was 30! Obese type 1 - Possible of heart disease and high cholesterol level at that time.

(To be continue)

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